The Hanumen Social Links
Euphorian Mahamantra (single)
$ 0.95
Available as an MP3 download✱ only. Read instructions below.
Recorded live one night from a rehearsal in a loft over a garage on the coast of Rhode Island, the “Euphorian Mahamantra” felt like such a wonderful journey into music, devotion, spirit and poetry that we decided to take it forward through a couple of overdubs, mixing and mastering – and now it’s being released as our first standalone single!
There was definitely magic in the air that night, led by Visvambhar Sheth (guitar and lead vocals), Gaura Vani (vocals and bansuri bamboo flute), Benjy Wertheimer (vocals and keyboards), John de Kadt (calabash and poetry), Jared May (bass). A wonderful South Indian violinist later added his magical overdubs from a studio in Chennai.
Please join us in this dreamlike, heart-opening excursion into world music, timeless devotion, and a unique Bhakti voyage with The Hanumen.
CDs and downloads of The Hanumen are available on the Mantralogy website.
- Euphorian Mahamantra (12:20)
Euphorian Mahamantra (single)

$ 0.95
Available as an MP3 download✱ only. Read instructions below.
Recorded live one night from a rehearsal in a loft over a garage on the coast of Rhode Island, the “Euphorian Mahamantra” felt like such a wonderful journey into music, devotion, spirit and poetry that we decided to take it forward through a couple of overdubs, mixing and mastering – and now it’s being released as our first standalone single!
There was definitely magic in the air that night, led by Visvambhar Sheth (guitar and lead vocals), Gaura Vani (vocals and bansuri bamboo flute), Benjy Wertheimer (vocals and keyboards), John de Kadt (calabash and poetry), Jared May (bass). A wonderful South Indian violinist later added his magical overdubs from a studio in Chennai.
Please join us in this dreamlike, heart-opening excursion into world music, timeless devotion, and a unique Bhakti voyage with The Hanumen.
CDs and downloads of The Hanumen are available on the Mantralogy website.
- Euphorian Mahamantra (12:20)
MP3 download files are in .zip format. Our ZIP files contain the music file(s) in .mp3 format, cover art in .jpg format, and a description of the album or composition in .txt format or liner notes in .pdf format. iPhone and iPad users please note that iOS will NOT allow you to download and play music files directly. You must first download and install them on your computer, then transfer to your mobile device.