I’m very pleased to offer initiations into Neelakantha Meditation at a distance. It’s beautiful to witness how the potency of this practice is able to reach people so powerfully without being in the same physical location.
Registration for this event is through Shraddha Yoga:
This initiation will take place via Zoom with the following schedule:
Group session Saturday from 11 am-12:30 pm Pacific time
Individual session (1 hour) on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday schedule TBD
Group session Tuesday from 3-5:30 pm Pacific time
Group session Saturday from 11 am-12:30 pm Pacific time
Individual session (1 hour) on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday schedule TBD
Group session Tuesday from 3-5:30 pm Pacific time
Cost of the workshop is $450 and includes the initiation weekend plus access to 18-month program for new practitioners through Blue Throat Yoga. Program includes live tele-seminars, 18-month curriculum, and extensive online library. Free monthly meditation group meetings with Heather online via Zoom. Payment plans and partial scholarships are available if you are experiencing financial challenges.
For questions about Neelakantha Meditation, please email me.
If you become a new practitioner, you can receive support for your practice at my free monthly group meeting online once you’ve gone through the initiation process with me.
This is a time when our practices and our sense of community are needed more than ever. I hope you will join me in this exquisite journey!