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      I Will Stand With You

I Will Stand With You (single)

© 2020 Heather and Benjy Wertheimer

Free download! Instead of paying us for this song, please donate to a group working for racial equity. Suggestions listed below.


This free download will not download to mobile devices.

Heather wrote this song after she learned that a friend of hers had been verbally attacked because of her color while she was driving down the street. The lyrics to the song arose during Heather’s morning meditation, and she composed the music a week later. Benjy composed the piano accompaniment for this song.

Shantala is joined on this recording by: Bibi McGill on electric guitar, Tyia Wilson on vocals, and Jared May on bass.

The song is dedicated to the elimination of racism in our country and around the world. It is being released as a free download in order to encourage people to donate to organizations working for racial equity. Charity suggestions are below, and you can of course also choose a different one that speaks to your heart.


Black Lives Matter

Black Resilience Fund

Black Visions Collective

Campaign Zero

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Oregon Food Bank/Mudbone Grown

Soul Fire Farm

Southern Poverty Law Center

Unicorn Riot

Musical Credits
Heather Wertheimer: Vocals, acoustic guitar
Benjy Wertheimer: Piano
Bibi McGill: Electric guitar
Tyia Wilson: Vocals
Jared May: Bass

Mixed and mastered by Benjy Wertheimer at Wolf Cub Studio in Portland, OR

  1. I Will Stand With You (5:49)
Download lyrics, notes, etc:

I Will Stand With You – Liner Notes.pdf

I Will Stand With You (single)

© 2020 Heather and Benjy Wertheimer

Free download! Instead of paying us for this song, please donate to a group working for racial equity. Suggestions listed below.


This free download will not download to mobile devices.

Heather wrote this song after she learned that a friend of hers had been verbally attacked because of her color while she was driving down the street. The lyrics to the song arose during Heather’s morning meditation, and she composed the music a week later. Benjy composed the piano accompaniment for this song.

Shantala is joined on this recording by: Bibi McGill on electric guitar, Tyia Wilson on vocals, and Jared May on bass.

The song is dedicated to the elimination of racism in our country and around the world. It is being released as a free download in order to encourage people to donate to organizations working for racial equity. Charity suggestions are below, and you can of course also choose a different one that speaks to your heart.


Black Lives Matter

Black Resilience Fund

Black Visions Collective

Campaign Zero

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Oregon Food Bank/Mudbone Grown

Soul Fire Farm

Southern Poverty Law Center

Unicorn Riot

Musical Credits
Heather Wertheimer: Vocals, acoustic guitar
Benjy Wertheimer: Piano
Bibi McGill: Electric guitar
Tyia Wilson: Vocals
Jared May: Bass

Mixed and mastered by Benjy Wertheimer at Wolf Cub Studio in Portland, OR

  1. I Will Stand With You (5:49)
Download lyrics, notes, etc:

I Will Stand With You – Liner Notes.pdf

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      I Will Stand With You

MP3 download files are in .zip format. Our ZIP files contain the music file(s) in .mp3 format, cover art in .jpg format, and a description of the album or composition in .txt format or liner notes in .pdf format. iPhone and iPad users please note that iOS will NOT allow you to download and play music files directly. You must first download and install them on your computer, then transfer to your mobile device.